Content and delivery
The module is taught over five days across a two-week period, usually in March each year.
During the module, learners will participate in small group work and larger group discussions, designed to enhance their ability to critically engage with material.
Learners are supported to critically reflect upon and appraise complex information in relation to the process of undertaking an assessment as a Best Interest Assessor and to articulate the role of Best Interest Assessment.
Learners will complete a 3,500 word take-home examination, in relation to a case study. Within this assignment, learners will evidence their understanding and ability to apply relevant legislation, considering the necessary Code of Practice and other practice guidance concerned with Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Assessments.
An ability to critically analyse and appraise information to inform decision-making forms part of this assessment.
In addition, learners are required to complete the relevant professional paperwork in relation to the individual(s) depicted in the case study.