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Hospital sign - intensive care unit

University of Brighton leads national effort for greener intensive care

The University of Brighton leads a pioneering initiative to make ICUs more environmentally friendly with the launch of groundbreaking sustainability guidance.

Volunteers at chalk grassland restoration bagging up debris

University of Brighton and Sussex Wildlife Trust unite to protect chalk grassland

The University of Brighton has partnered with Sussex Wildlife Trust to restore and protect the chalk grassland at its Falmer campus, an essential local habitat.

Brighton station

University of Brighton unveils support package for commuter students

With almost half of UK university students commuting to campus, Brighton has launched a new package of financial support to help with the challenges they face.

Donna Whitehead at graduation

New Vice-Chancellor leads University of Brighton graduation celebrations

University of Brighton's new Vice-Chancellor rounds off her first week by presiding over graduation ceremonies for over 2,000 students at the Brighton Centre.