You must pay your first instalment of rent within three days of receiving an offer of a room, this will secure your room offer. The remaining rent is paid in three equal instalments in October, January and April.
Please note that this payment model only applies to university-managed halls. Nominated partner halls might have different payment dates and terms.
Details of how to pay will be sent to you with your offer of a room.
Example of rent payments
For example, if your total rent for halls is £6,825.00, the full tenancy period would be payable in the following instalments, based on a £175 x 39-week contract:
- £175 in advance (within three days of accommodation offer being made)
- £2,200.00 on or before 10 October
- £2,225.00 on or before 09 January
- £2,225.00 on or before 24 April
Please note that this example payment schedule only applies to university-managed halls. Nominated partner halls might have different payment dates and terms.
You qualify for a 2% rent reduction if you choose to pay the full annual amount when you accept your offer of accommodation in university-managed halls. The 2% full payment discount does not apply to nominated partner halls.
Damage deposit
You do not need to pay a damage deposit when you move into halls of residence, however, you will need to pay your first instalment of rent within three days of receiving an offer of a room to secure the offer.
If your accommodation has to be repaired, cleaned or decorated before it can be let again, we will charge you for this. You will not be charged for reasonable wear and tear to your room or furniture.
Problems paying
It is important to pay promptly, and the university is entitled to charge interest at 7% annually where payment is late. We are also entitled to terminate your accommodation contract if payment is overdue by 28 days or more.
If you think you may have a problem paying your rent, please arrange to see someone in the income office (01273 642592) as soon as possible.
You could also speak to the student advice service (01273 642888) for advice on loans or grants.