We have a range of optically accessible engines to support fundamental diesel and gasoline combustion research using laser-based methods. For fuel spray investigation and characterisation research, we utilise a high-pressure rig where we employ optical measurement techniques, including high-speed imaging and phase-Doppler anemometry. Our steady flow rig enables the evaluation of fuel spray interactions with variable lift intake systems.
Optical equipment includes
- 1 high-speed Copper Vapour Laser (50 kHz)
- 1 compact dual-cavity Nd:YAG laser
- 1 Phantom v12.1 high-speed video camera (680k fps)
- 2 Nd:YAG Lasers (one dual-cavity T-YAG/PIV)
- 1 Dye laser pumped by 1 Nd:YAG
- 1 Argon Ion laser
- 1 Helium Neon laser
- 3 Gated CCD cameras
- 2 Gated intensifiers
- 1 high-speed video camera (140k fps)
- 2-component LDA/PDA system with advanced transmitting optics for dense spray analysis
- Heavy duty programmable 3D traverse
- Schlieren system
Analysers and other equipment
- Full gas analysers (Horiba 7000)
- Smoke/PM analyser
- 3 dedicated screw compressors (delivering 1.25 kg/s, up to 10 bar o/p)
- High flow roots type blower (delivering 0.5 kg/s)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (resolution: 2.5 nm; magnification up to x40,000)
- Machining shop, bespoke in-house design and fabrication
In all our test cells we have
- Provision for independent control of heating and boosting of intake air.
- Industry standard testbed equipment
- Configurable high speed control data acquisition (AVL Indiset, Indimodul, MTS CAS)
- Combustion analysis (Horiba 7000, AVL Smoke, Noise)
- Independent FIE rigs
For more information about specific engine equipment, please click on the links below.

High-speed video camera setup on the optical Proteus

Sample video of a diesel combustion (1600 bar injection into 70 bar gas pressure)

Dye laser setup on the optical Proteus