Important Note
Please complete the WAS submission form found in our My Studies area once you have enrolled and paste it into page 1 of your work prior to uploading it to Turnitin. The tutor reviewing your work can then see your Assessment Tasks and Learning Outcomes.
You can submit between 500 and 3,000 words (not including your reference list). We know that this is your work in progress and not your final submission.
Feedback may take up to 9 days. Please ensure you factor turnaround times into any deadlines you're working to.
WAS is not a proof-reading service. WAS will not provide feedback on content, nor does it assess Learning Outcomes.
WAS tutors will provide personalised feedback on the academic quality of your written work. When accessing your feedback, please read your overall summary first before referring to comments within your work.
Please note that students are allowed one submission per term.