The project is part of the EU’s Interreg €4m ‘2 Seas Mers Zeeën’ initiative called ‘EMPOWERCARE’ which aims to address issues facing communities in caring for the growing ageing population. It will “bring together existing, proven solutions, including innovative technologies, from across Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the UK”.
Dr Theo Fotis, from the university’s Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems (CSIUS), is leading the university’s research: “We are very excited by this project which we hope will bring real benefits to help people to manage their care.
“We will be working with citizens at our Digital Health Living Lab to develop a technology blueprint on initiatives and technology that support enablement at individual and community level.”
He said older people are not always fully involved in decisions concerning their own health and wellbeing, and the right support is not in place to enable them to remain in their homes, supported by their local community.