Schlembach, Raphael (2016) The Pitchford inquiry into undercover policing: some lessons from the preliminary hearings In: Papers from the British Criminology Conference, Nottingham, 6-8 July 2016.
Think the idea of UK leftie movements being infiltrated is all a conspiracy theory? Here are some of the times it's actually happened, The Independent 26 July 2016
What do we know about the infiltration of protest movements in Britain?, Movements@Manchester 24 March 2016
How the police infiltrated environmental protest in Britain, social movements and protest: Future challenges for research and practice (University of Brighton, October 2016)
The Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing: Some lessons from the preliminary hearings, Annual Conference of the British Society of Criminology (Nottingham Conference Centre, July 2016)
Covert policing and the infiltration of protest groups in Britain, 7th Biannual Surveillance & Society Conference (University of Barcelona, April 2016)